Monday, October 15, 2007

SSH for the iPhone

As a system administrator on call 7x24 since the early 80's the application I yearned for most on the iPhone was SSH. Maybe someday Apple will put it there for me, but until they do there is WebShell.

Installing WebShell requires root access to a Unix server equipped with at least Python 2.3

First you need to make sure python 2.3 or later and OpenSSL are installed on your system. You will also have to install the pyOpenSSL python extensions to OpenSSL.

Next you need to generate a server certificate. From the WebShell directory enter this command to quickly generate a certificate:


Now issue this command to run the server:


To make sure that everything went well, check this URL in your browser:

You can change WebShell's background by overwriting the background.jpg file. You can also change the display colors in webshell.css. Restart the server afterwards to make your changes effective.

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